
Anorak News | America hates Steve Jones on X Factor

America hates Steve Jones on X Factor

by | 20th, December 2011

AMERICA is a notoriously difficult nut to crack and, if Robbie Williams couldn’t do it, then Steve Jones certainly can’t in his tenure as The X Factor USA role.

When the show returns for a second season, it seems the former T4 presenter will have to watch it on ITV2, nursing his P45 from Simon Cowell. Unsurprising really, given that he’s roughly as charming as a machine that makes cardboard boxes.

USA Today referred to him “as charmless as a Ken doll and even less animated.”

The source says:

“There have been mistakes and he just doesn’t seem to have the knack for dealing with contestants. The executives at Fox have already decided not to renew his contract and so, short of a miracle happening, it is pretty much a done deal that he will not take part next season.”

Seems pretty definitive doesn’t it?

Posted: 20th, December 2011 | In: TV & Radio 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink