
Anorak News | Woman has working pen in her stomach for 25 years

Woman has working pen in her stomach for 25 years

by | 20th, December 2011

TWO questions to the 76-year-old female who lived for 25 years with a working plastic felt tip pen in her stomach:

1. How did it get there?
2. Where can I get one?

The woman was suffering from weight loss and diarrhoea. An internal probe revealed severe diverticulosis and a pen she has swallowed.
Questions are answered in turn:

1. She was investigating her tonsils when she slipped and the pen fell in.
2. The pen was a ruddy felt tip! Felt tips run out in seconds. The British Medical Journal is lax in its duty to mankind that it fails to identify the make and model of this magic marker.

If to keep felt tips in tip-top condition you need to stitch them into your stomach lining, then tell us. Those things are bloody expensive…


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Posted: 20th, December 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink