Mournfully fold your best knickers away: Justin Timberlake is engaged to Jessica Biel
YOU may well fancy the very pants off Justin Timberlake and, as well you might. He’s obviously talented, charming, self-deprecating and – if rumours are to be believed – in possession of a rather large ‘lad’.
However, that doesn’t mean you needy fans are getting any closer to wooing him. In fact, you’ve never been further away because, sadly for you and your best frilly knickers which you were saving for JT, he’s apparently engaged to Jessica Biel.
That’s right. He was supposed to propose to you, but he’s gone and done it to someone better looking and much, much wealthier than you. Someone who doesn’t scream constantly at the very mention of his name.
According to sources, the couple are currently staying at a luxury ski resort called the Amangani in Wyoming, and in the snow all romantic, he got down on one-knee and popped the question.
An art gallery in the nearby town of Jackson has spread the word that the couple are now engaged. They wrote the following tweet: ‘Word on the street is that Justin Timberlake proposed to Jessica Biel at the Amangani last night.’
Of course, we’re all going to need more proof than that, but in fairness, we just wanted to shatter a few dreams.
Posted: 21st, December 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink