
Anorak News | Kardashian family unhappy about sweatshops which might be making their stuff

Kardashian family unhappy about sweatshops which might be making their stuff

by | 22nd, December 2011

WHAT would you get a member of the Kardashian family for Christmas? Obviously, they’ve got the money to buy anything they want in the whole world, including you probably.

Well, how about accusing them of contributing to human rights violations by hiring a sweatshop? That’d be a nice present for them wouldn’t it? You may think not, but it gets them attention and, let us be honest here, that’s all they live for.

That’s right! Someone has accused the Kardashian family of using a Chinese sweatshop and now they’re preparing for war!

In a statement issued by the Kardashian family, spokeswoman Jill Fritzo called suggestions of worker mistreatment “100 percent not true”. “They absolutely have no knowledge of this and would never condone this, which is why we checked this out when it was brought to our attention today,” the New York Daily News quoted Fritzo as saying.

According to Star Magazine, the Kardashian Klan was selling or endorsing products built in Chinese sweatshops where workers — some as young as 16 — were “virtually imprisoned”. A human rights group investigating are looking squarely at the K-Dash by Kardashian label, the Kris Jenner Kollection sold on QVC and ShoeDazzle.

We’re in the initial stages of research,” said Charles Kernaghan, the executive director of the Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights. “It takes a long time to find these factories and get people inside, so our investigation hasn’t been launched yet… Workers typically work 12 hours a day and still go back to filthy dormitories, enduring 100-degree heat.”

Kardashian family momager (yes, that’s a word being used these days) thinks everything is just fine. She says:

As far as I know, the factories that are used to manufacture the Kardashian clothing and shoes have nothing terrible going on at all. The factories are very well policed and meet factory standards.”

But who’s policing the sweat shop police..?

Posted: 22nd, December 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink