Sinead O’Connor wants three men and some skins please
MARRIAGE is, quite obviously, not a serious vow for Sinead O’Connor. She split with one husband back in April and then, just before Christmas, got married for 16 days and decided enough was enough.
After a caper around Vegas looking for a bit of weed and being handed some crack (the opposite of craic), Sinead realised that her drug-counsellor husband probably wasn’t happy about the whole thing. And then, kazowee! it was all over just like that.
So what next? Well, obviously, Sinead realises that marriage is not something she’ll want to repeat, and so, she’s looking for three men to fulfil her needs. Hardly surprising if you consider that she was soliciting for sex in an Irish newspaper column and asking people to go bum her via requests on twitter.
Explaining the demise behind her marriage, Sinead said she took the old ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ approach and said that she wouldn’t be satisfied until she had three men to satisfy her obviously mental needs.
“All my mates are men. Everyone I work with is a man. I love men. I love them all. That’s the trouble. I don’t think I’m wife or girlfriend material. I’m not good at that. I’m better as a mistress. Not in the ‘I want your husband’ way. When I say mistress I mean casual, loving with probably three kind, caring men. Three is my ideal.”
So there you have it. You married men can now work out whether the idea of shagging someone famous is enough to keep your pecker up. Of course it is, regardless of what you say, you depraved swine. Take lube and Rizla.
Posted: 29th, December 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink