
Anorak News | Punchy Chris Brown back with Rihanna? Surely not!

Punchy Chris Brown back with Rihanna? Surely not!

by | 30th, December 2011

REMEMBER when everyone was thoroughly disgusted with Chris Brown’s using Rihanna as a punchbag? That was a pretty lousy celebrity story to read wasn’t it?

Of course, Team Breezy (the ridiculous moniker given to Chris Brown fans) were incredibly quick to forgive the toothy R&B dudester, while the rest of the world looked on thinking “Wait. He’s a woman puncher. Not only that, when someone had the temerity to mention it to him, he tore his shirt off and tried to throw a chair through a window. What a prize idiot.”

Then he posted a picture of his long, thin penis online for everyone to gawp at. Whaddaguy.

However, remarkably, it seems that Ri and Brown may be getting back together. Yesterday, Breezy posted, “Love U more than u know!” That’s all well and good and could’ve been aimed at anyone. The weird bit it, two minutes later, Rihanna posted: “I’ll always love you #1love.”

Rihanna has had to defend why she even follows Brown on Twitter and all this makes you wonder. If they were directed at someone else, why not tweet at them? S

Earlier on in the day, Brown’s mother tweeted, “HELLO LADY I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU!!!!! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!” with Rihanna tweeted very shortly after, “Miss+Love u 2”

It’s back on, isn’t it?

Posted: 30th, December 2011 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink