
Anorak News | Taxpayers’ subsidy for House of Commons bars rises to £5.8m a year

Taxpayers’ subsidy for House of Commons bars rises to £5.8m a year

by | 3rd, January 2012

THIS is one of those things that really rather gets the dander up:

The taxpayers’ subsidy for the bars and restaurants in the Houses of Commons has risen to £5.8m a year, despite promises by parliamentary official to cut public funding for politicians’ meals and drinks.

That’s right, even after all that expenses stuff, the jailing of a few of them, they’re still snouts in the trough. And no, this isn’t just Bastard Tories or anything, this is the whole lot of them.

But in the Members Dining Room, MPs are served an artichoke and tomato salad with truffle dressing for £2.05, or a seared breast of pigeon with aubergine purée and spiced couscous for just £4.15.

Now I’ve actually worked there: had a pass to the Palace of Westminster n’all. But not, sadly, access to those dining rooms. Which was a bit of a pity for you’d be paying £4 for a sarnie and a can of pop outside. As I was in fact doing so while they were gorging.

It means for every £10 an MP spent on lunch, the public contributed £7.60.

Naah, time they found out that those lamp posts on the bridge outside have more than just decorative uses. Given that we’re most certainly not all in it together I suggest we show them quite how different they are, eh?

Posted: 3rd, January 2012 | In: Money 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink