Rupert Murdoch shows Twitter support to anti-gay marriage Rick Santorum
TWITTER has gained a Rick Santorum fan named Rupert Murdoch, leaving many to deduce that he’s going to try and buy it. Yeah. He did an incredible job with MySpace didn’t he?
Either way, he’s been spouting off like the rest of us… however, Murdoch has already been offending everybody. In his short time online, he’s already slagged off the whole of the UK, slighted Glenn Beck and, perhaps worst of all, shown his support for an American presidential hopeful who wants to nullify all existing gay marriages.
Murdoch said of Rick Santorum, the former Pennsylvania senator who is surging in Iowa polls, Murdoch tweeted Monday night: “Can’t resist this tweet, but all Iowans think about Rick Santorum. Only candidate with genuine big vision for country.” On Sunday he tweeted: “Good to see Santorum surging in Iowa. Regardless of policies, all debates showed principles, consistency and humility like no other.”
Despite pulling back on his tweet which said: “Maybe Brits have too many holidays for broke country!”, he was pretty keen to back Santorum who confirmed that, if he was elected as president of the US, he would support a constitutional amendment which would invalidate existing gay marriages.
In an interview with NBC at his campaign HQ, he said there should be one marriage law across all states and that he would support a federal amendment to the constitution which had the effect of dissolving existing unions. Answering a question on whether gay couples would be forced to divorce under the amendment, he said “Well, their marriage would be invalid. If the constitution says ‘Marriage is this’, then people whose marriages are not consistent with the constitution…”
Previously, he’d explained of gay marriage: “When you redefine marriage, you cheapen marriage. You make it into something less valuable, less special… it is a sure bet that will undermine faith.”
So there you have it. Rupert Murdoch, not a fan of you gays. That’s nice isn’t it?
Posted: 3rd, January 2012 | In: Politicians 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink