Sinead O’Connor: No longer getting divorced (this’ll end well)
MARRIAGE is a daft idea in the first place, but some people are determined to do it, which is fine and all. One person you’d probably advise away from it (as well as any sharp objects) is Sinead O’Connor who recently announced she was getting divorced after being married for roughly 82 seconds.
However, that’s all changed as she’s decided to get back with husband Barry Herridge in what promises to be the most on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off relationship in human history. Either way, it was rutting like barnyard animals that got things back on track.
“Spent a beautiful evening of love making with none other than my husband,” the Irish rocker wrote on her website. “We decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend again and stay married, but we did rush [into marriage].” She then went onto predict that they will be “sickeningly happy” together and says she plans to meet with a marriage guidance wizard or something.
That said, there’s not much point really. The thing that fixes what ails Sinead is an afternoon of sex. Doctor Anorak, session over, same fees as last time.
Do come again.
Posted: 5th, January 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink