
Anorak News | Ricky Gervais – the uncensored Golden Globes promise

Ricky Gervais – the uncensored Golden Globes promise

by | 6th, January 2012

MONGS! Does Ricky Gervais still like that word? We can’t remember. Either way, there’s a chance that Gervais will be hatching some other ill-advised impishness when he takes to the stage to present the 2012 Golden Globe Awards.

See, he made some brows furrow and bellies laugh when he performed his acidic turn at the 2011 bash. And Gervais agreed to host again this year, under the condition that he be totally let off the leash.

“I do it my way. I get final edit on everything. And everything I do turns out like I wanted,” Gervais says in Friday’s episode of the Today Show. “And they don’t know what I’m gonna say. And they won’t know what I’m gonna say till I say it.”

“I got it a bit wrong I think the first time. I tried too hard with the shtick, the comedy, and I should have just gone out there and done zingers, I think, because the attention span of someone at an award show, particularly the Golden Globe, is about a second.

“They’re drinkin’, they’re talkin’, they’re seein’ someone. You know, you’ve gotta grab their attention. It’s not a great place for a comedian to play because they’ve got other things on their mind. They’re there to see if they’ve won an award, but they don’t wanna see this guy come out and telling jokes. Certainly not jokes at their expense.

“I might even really be drunk…”

And the show is broadcast over at E! Online, so we can all join in the mirth or toe-curling action. Either way, there’ll be something to talk about.

Posted: 6th, January 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink