Snooki wants to “rape” Lady GaGa
RAPE. Hardly a laughing matter (quick! Someone tell those 6th form comedians who are under the assumption that saying ‘rape’ is a quickfire way to look ‘edgy’). In fact, there isn’t a single funny thing about rape. It’s just thoroughly horrible.
And oddly, Jersey Shore munchkin, Snooki, wants to rape Lady GaGa. No seriously. She said it herself via her twitter account.
She wrote:
“Is @ladygaga in la? Cuz I’d like to rape her before I leave. K thanks”
Is this how the world works now? Criminals will now tweet their intent before going looting and sex pests will identify their targets online, share them with their followers for verification and then promptly go about making the police force earn their keep?
Snooki, of course, is alarmingly dim and probably doesn’t even understand the meaning of the word, but still, someone should really have a word with her for saying this.
Posted: 9th, January 2012 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink