
Anorak News | Justin Bieber Likes To Talk To God – God To Blame For Dreadful Music

Justin Bieber Likes To Talk To God – God To Blame For Dreadful Music

by | 9th, January 2012

MAYBE it is down to the fact that Justin Bieber is roughly 4 years old that he likes to talk to his imaginary friend. Lots of children have them don’t they? They run around with their little fingers wagging shouting “RED RUM! RED RUM!” in the most adorable way.

And Justin’s little invisible pal is called, charmingly, ‘God’.

He loves his imaginary friend so much that he’s got this whole story about him visiting Earth in the form of a man called ‘Jesus’. It’s adorable really. He’s even got a tattoo of ‘Jesus’ on his leg. Regrettably, the tattoo shows a man who looks like Brian Kilcline who used to play for Coventry City.

Talking to V magazine, Justin Bieber said that he doesn’t have to go to a special building where people talk openly about their pretend friends:

“A lot of people who are religious, I think they get lost. They go to church just to go to church. I’m not trying to disrespect them … but for me, I focus more on praying and talking to Him. I don’t have to go to church.”

That’s nice isn’t it? JB’s made-up pal goes with him everywhere he goes. Presumably then, this means that this ‘God’ character is responsible for his awful music and the comment he made when he effectively said ‘rape happens for a reason’.

Perhaps it is time to get some real, sensible human friends Justin?

Posted: 9th, January 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink