One Direction’s Harry Styles in nude photo leak? Really?
WOAH! There’s a picture that is supposed to be of Harry Styles, with his wang-direction hanging out, floating around online. Effectively, it’s what every child in Britain has been waiting for. It’s what every adult woman has also been waiting for, but can’t say so, for fear of arrest.
The photo itself shows a naked young man stood in front of the mirror.
Crucially, the face is obscured by the camera flash, but that didn’t stop fans from shrieking about the mop of brown curly hair and dog tag, similar to that which Styles has been seen wearing in the past.
There were some (sad sacks) who even went as far as suggesting that the bathroom in the background is similar to that in the X Factor household.
However, Styles has come forward to reveal that the image is not him. That won’t stop the nation’s youth photocopying his face into the shot though so they can use it for whatever nefarious night-time activities they get up to
Posted: 11th, January 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink