
Anorak News | $94k of unpaid taxes says Lindsay Lohan isn’t trouble-free just yet

$94k of unpaid taxes says Lindsay Lohan isn’t trouble-free just yet

by | 12th, January 2012

AWW! Just when it looked like Lindsay Lohan was going to get her life back on track, a whole bunch of stuff keeps tapping her on the shoulder to remind her that, basically, she’s going to be in the bad books for the rest of eternity. Fact of the matter is, LiLo could be beatified by a pope and everyone would simply assume she’d been molesting nuns.

Poor Lindsay.

And now, drug problems, wild-childery, assault claims, dodgy tattoos, ill advised trysts and jewel stealery out of the way, she now got the tax man after her.

She was probably looking forward to counting her Playboy shoot money, playing Liz Taylor in a film and ending her community service in March and heading off into a celebrity sunset. Alas, the feds are now in pursuit and saying she owes nearly $94,000 in unpaid taxes.

This is well timed, especially when you consider that Lohan is getting sued by a paparazzi photographer because a car ran him over than Lohan wasn’t driving. Us neither.

Keeps us in gossip though, which is nice.

Image: GOTA

Posted: 12th, January 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink