
Anorak News | Madonna notices Lady GaGa fondness for her (with added MIAOW)

Madonna notices Lady GaGa fondness for her (with added MIAOW)

by | 13th, January 2012

REMEMBER when Lady GaGa released Born This Way? Everyone had an opinion on it. People said it was brilliant, others said it was awful. The subplot to it all was: Did it matter that it leaned on Madonna’s Express Yourself so heavily?

Of course, Madge’s fans were apoplectic with rage, while GaGa fans didn’t care. But what does Madonna think about it all? Well, oddly enough, she has just passed judgement on it, vaguely showing her claws about it all.

Madonna said in an interview:

“I thought ‘what a wonderful way to redo my song’.”

And she didn’t stop there, adding to Newsweek:

“I mean, I recognised the chord changes. I thought it was… interesting.”

Naturally, GaGa isn’t the first person to lean on a song she likes. Look at the myriad of songs that stole from/was inspired by Chuck Berry’s back catalogue. Look at the way ‘Surfin’ Bird’ leaned on two whole songs called ‘Papa Oo Mow Mow’ and ‘The Bird Is The Word’ by The Rivingtons. Look at the way every 90s song seem to rip-off at least one Pixies track at one point.

Music has always been a magpie. It’s not like Madonna hasn’t been accused of stealing other people’s art in the past, is it? There’s a whole website dedicated to exactly that (which you can see here if you’re at all interested in that sort of thing).

Fact is, Madonna is invariably not too fussed about the whole GaGa thing, leaving the scraps and catcalls to her fans who, it has to be said, need to lighten up a little.

Posted: 13th, January 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink