
Anorak News | Madonna takes on Elton John and just about everyone else in the world. Again.

Madonna takes on Elton John and just about everyone else in the world. Again.

by | 17th, January 2012

NOW that Madonna’s pop-crown is slipping Lady GaGaward, largely thanks to her taking herself far too seriously and spreading herself too thinly, she’s remembered that nothing gets you column inches like a beef. Or numerous beefs. She’s beef mad, clearly.

The big story is Madge and Elton John are at loggerheads after the Golden Globes. Queen Bitch Elton said that Queen Bitch Madge ‘didn’t have a chance’ winning the award for Best Original Song. She promptly went and won ‘best song’.

This isn’t the first time they’ve fallen out. They spat at each other in 2004 after Elton accused Madonna of miming. After hearing about Elton’s ratings of her, she snarked: “Was he wearing a dress? Those are fighting words… OK, well, may the best man win.” After picking up the award for her W.E. song Masterpiece,Madge stated: “I hope he speaks to me for the next couple of years. He tends to get mad at me. I don’t feel bad.”

Then, embarrassingly, Elton’s husband, David Furnish, stepped in calling Madonna an “embarrassment”. He then ranted:

“Madonna. Best song???? Fuck off!!! Madonna winning ‘Best Original Song’ truly shows how these awards have nothing to do with merit.” He wasn’t finished either. He continued: “Her acceptance speech was embarrassing in it’s narcissism. And her criticism of GaGa shows how desperate she really is.”

Meanwhile, elsewhere, Madonna also took a shot at Globes host Ricky Gervais following a joke he made about her, had a go at Ryan Seacrest for being a “playboy” as well as branding his questions “predictable”.  She also had a row with Jessica Biel after accidentally standing on her dress.

The bitch is back, folks.

Posted: 17th, January 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink