
Anorak News | Marine sues ‘prostitute’ Lindsay Lohan to be sued over her role in Osama bin Laden’s death (?!?!?!?!)

Marine sues ‘prostitute’ Lindsay Lohan to be sued over her role in Osama bin Laden’s death (?!?!?!?!)

by | 18th, January 2012

HURRAY! When Lindsay Lohan stopped all that Getting In Trouble Almost Constantly thing, we all feared she’d become something of a dullard. Some even feared she might find God or something awful like that. Instead, she did a Playboy spread and showed us her freckled boobies, which was very charitable of her.

Mercifully, the circus won’t stop because, when LiLo is behaving, the rest of the world can go mental around her. Just take a look at Thomas A. Green, a man who believes that the actress played a role in the death of Osama Bin Laden and that she’s also “might be a high end prostitute”.

Ambulance chasers TMZ claim to have obtained a copy of the lawsuit written by an “apparently delusional” Green and describes it as “incoherent gibberish”.

Green –  is a former U.S Marine  – reckons that he spoke to Lindsay on Facebook after she contacted him about an online business he was setting up. Rrright. And now, he is attempting to sue her for ‘engaging in unfair business practices’, with his representative serving Lindsay with the lawsuit as she walked into her probationary hearing court yesterday.

In the suit, Green apparently writes that he questioned Lindsay until she revealed a conspiracy about the death of Bin Laden. TMZ reports that the suit reads:

“[Thomas] set out to command [Lohan] to Twitter and stated if [Lohan] acknowledges this is an Osoma Bin Ladden op all civilians in past wrong doing will receive clemency.” He adds that Lindsay “might be a high end prostitute”, although we don’t know whether Green believes this has anything to do with Osama Bin Laden.


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Posted: 18th, January 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink