
Anorak News | Bruno Mars: Arrested with bag of cocaine but law doesn’t care

Bruno Mars: Arrested with bag of cocaine but law doesn’t care

by | 19th, January 2012

INSIPID, vapid pop-goon Bruno Mars has done very little for this planet apart from sell millions of awful records that have utterly polluted the air and damaged the brains of all those that have had the misfortune to hear them.

However, he must be made of magic because, for some reason, the American criminal system doesn’t seem to mind that he likes big bags of cocaine. Are America’s lawyers hoping he’ll have an overdose? Either way, as of tomorrow, he’ll have a spotless criminal record tomorrow despite being arrested with class A drugs in a Hard Rock toilet.

Mars pled guilty, but somehow, he was not convicted. In fact, the judge deferred the matter and gave Bruno a year to complete 200 hours of community service and attend drug education classes. That’s it. No more, no less.

So tomorrow, for reasons unclear, the judge will officially dismiss the cocaine charge.

Have they not heard his music? It’s beyond penalty! They should’ve locked him up and gagged him for two whole eternities! This world has gone to ruin!


Posted: 19th, January 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink