
Anorak News | Mark Wahlberg says sorry for his bizarre 9/11 comments

Mark Wahlberg says sorry for his bizarre 9/11 comments

by | 19th, January 2012

HEY! Marky Mark, aka, Mark Wahlberg, aka Really You Should Never Ever Speak Unless Scripted! How are you? Thing is, Wahlberg is currently trying to take all the feet in the world out of his mouth at the moment because he’s gone and said something off-centre about the 9/11 terrorist attacks and, as well you can imagine, no-one should ever do that because Americans are still really, really jumpy about all that.

He said in a rag:

“If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn’t have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, ‘OK, we’re going to land somewhere safely, don’t worry.'”

So, in essence, he’s saying that anyone who was on that fateful plane is a wuss. They should’ve done more. In fact, they should’ve been think WWMWD? He would’ve gone biblical on those terrorists!

Of course, Marky Mark has now said sorry.

Telling TMZ, he said:

“To suggest I would have done anything differently than the passengers on that plane was irresponsible… I deeply apologize to the families of the victims that my answer came off as insensitive, it was certainly not my intention.”

Doesn’t matter. That quote is going to stick and be a lazy reference point for the likes of us scumbags who like to poke fun at celebrities for having the audacity to be wealthy and good-looking.



Posted: 19th, January 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink