
Anorak News | Dante Autullo shoots nail into head and doesn’t notice (x-ray photos)

Dante Autullo shoots nail into head and doesn’t notice (x-ray photos)

by | 21st, January 2012

DANTE Autullo did not realise his nail gun had fired a 7.62cm nail into his head.

Says Dante Autullo, of Chicago:

“When they brought in the picture, I said to the doctor ‘Is this a joke? Did you get that out of the doctors joke file?’ The doctor said ‘No man, that’s in your head.'”

Autullo has undergone surgery at Advocate Christ medical centre in Oak Lawn. On the way to another hospital, he had the presence of mind to post a picture of the X-ray on Facebook.

Other doctors can now download the ‘nail’ photo and add it to that infamous joke file – between ‘nadsectomy’ and ‘nappy rash in adults’…

Ammo head

Image 2 of 41

THIS is a picture of a two-inch long live round of ammunition lodged in the head of living Afghan soldier. The US Air Force image stems from work by Radiologist Lt Col Anthony Terreri. He explained the patient and discovered that the shrapnel was in fact a 14.5mm unexploded round. Says he: “I saw that it was not solid metal on the inside. I then looked at the scout image and could see there was an air gap on one end and what looked almost like the tip of a tube of lipstick at the end and decided this didn’t look quite right.” Wearing body

Posted: 21st, January 2012 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink