Whitney Houston: Broke thanks to crack investment
IMAGINE how much money Whitney Houston has made in her lifetime. She’s been around since time began and had a string of gigantic hits as well as starring in some very successful films. You’d think that she has so much money, she’d never find the time to spend it all.
However, our Whitney decided to get addicted to crack cocaine and, astonishingly and impressively, she’s broke. All that money. Gone.
According to a number of reports the singer has spent all of her fortune, including a reported $100million record deal. How is that even possible?
“Whitney’s fortune is gone. Music industry heavy hitters are supporting her and her label is fronting her cash against her next album, but no one knows when that will be released”, a source told Radaronline.com. “She might be homeless if not for people saving her. She is broke as a joke.”
Whitters is such a sorry state that, allegedly, she has even had to resort to contacting friends for small loans. The source added: ‘She called someone to ask for $100. It is so sad. She should have Mariah Carey money, and she’s flat broke.’
A spokesperson for the singer strongly denied the claims, saying: “That is ridiculous and not true! She stars in Sparkle out in August which she also Exec produced. She just wrapped the film.”
Who do you believe?
Posted: 25th, January 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink