
Anorak News | Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale – Next stop, Splitsville!

Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale – Next stop, Splitsville!

by | 26th, January 2012

EVERYONE kinda fancies Gwen Stefani don’t they? Even though she’s got a weird nose and makes pretty awful music. She’s definitely gone from annoying alt.rock gal to bona fide pin-up. Well, the sad thing for all onanists is that she’s been married with children and generally dropped off the radar, leaving us with people like Ke$ha instead, who is like a million nails on a blackboard, while chewing wool.

However, we might be seeing more of Gwen as, reportedly, she’s about to split up with derivative grunge bozo Gavin Rossdale!

After a decade-long marriage a source told Star magazine: “They have a roller coaster relationship, and right now it has flown off the tracks,” adding, “They’re fighting nonstop.”

So, what’s the cause of this scrapping? Is it something to do with Rossdale contributing nothing to the family coffers since the late ’90s? Apparently not. It’s his past AND Gwen’s success.

The source revealed: “When they got together, it was Gavin who had the big career,” but over the years, “He’s had to watch as his rock-star status dwindled and hers soared to stellar levels.” And then, to make matters worse, Stefani lost trust in her husband after he allegedly had a fling with cross-dressing pop star Marilyn. Not to mention that whole ‘erm, you’re actually Daisy Lowe’s biological father after you had it off with Pearl Lowe when she was bunked up with the drummer from Supergrass’ thing.

Source told the magazine, “Everyone is saying a divorce could happen any day now. It’s not a question of if; it’s when.”

So there you have it. Yet another successful couple going through some trauma to make us plebs feel a bit better in the Christmas comedown.

Posted: 26th, January 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink