
Anorak News | Lindsay Lohan: Sued Again By Woman With Fantastic Name – Nubia Del Carmen Preza

Lindsay Lohan: Sued Again By Woman With Fantastic Name – Nubia Del Carmen Preza

by | 26th, January 2012

YESSIR! Lindsay Lohan is definitely back on form! After being in trouble with the law more times than every criminal in the history of our awful species put together, it seemed for a while like she was going to disappoint us all by straightening herself out.

However, trouble is never far away with our favourite car-wreck! And it’s cars that are the crux of her current problems.

Apparently, LiLo is getting sued by a woman who claims she was struck by the actress’ sports car, and she wants justice for her injuries! The fabulously monickered Nubia Del Carmen Preza claims she was hit by Lohan’s Maserati while walking through a West Hollywood intersection in September 2010.

The lawsuit claims that she has suffered “disabling and serious personal injuries, pain, suffering and anguish” and that she is seeking damages for all her medical expenses and lost time at work.

Of course, this isn’t the first car-related bother Lohan has faced. A paparazzo by the name of Grigor Balyan (nearly as brilliant a name as Nubia Del Carmen Preza) sued Lohan, stating that he was run over by Lohan’s car – even though Lindsay wasn’t behind the wheel! The snapper still wants to sue LiLo because a) He reckons he was only hit because Lohan was instructing the driver and b) Lohan is famous.

The model and actress remains on probation for a 2007 drunk-driving case.

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Posted: 26th, January 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink