Did Angelina Jolie admit to cheating on Brad Pitt?!
SOME of you women would love ten minutes alone with Brad Pitt. He’s a real dreamboat isn’t he? One of those ‘real men’ ones that has a bit of facial hair and isn’t appallingly thin like an emaciated little girl. Oh! The things you’d do to him. He’d never want another woman, right?
Well, sadly for you, he’s dating Angelina Jolie and she’s invariably much better looking than you. In fact, she’s so good looking that she can allegedly cheat on Pitt and still have him as a beau. How gutting is that for you?
The astonishingly trustworthy source in this news-caper is the National Enquirer and they’ve run a story that sees Jolie ‘admitting’ to cheating on Pitt! Apparently, they had gone to a marital counseling session, but he stormed out after she confessed to hooking up with another man.
The Enquirer claims that she was having hotel hookups behind his back and even went as far as physically threatening Jennifer Aniston.
How tremendously nutso!
If this news isn’t absolutely correct and true, then we don’t want to live in this world anymore. If our celebrities aren’t going insane and swapping spit behind their partner’s backs, then the world is a poor and dull place.
Posted: 2nd, February 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink