Lindsay Lohan wants to sue those who say she’s any kind of fun
WE’VE long lamented the fact that Lindsay Lohan isn’t the bug-eyed jewel stealing party girl she once was and now, anyone who says she is in print is going to get sued by the former child-actress.
Various outlets noted that LiLo (the worst celebrity nickname in history) was knocking back the booze at the SAG Awards after party this weekend. That, of course, is a completely reasonable thing to do. Go to party. Get fall-down drunk.
However, Lohan isn’t having any of it and now she wants to sue! Suing, it seems, is the fallen celebrity’s replacement for the illicit fun they once enjoyed. Shame that. Legal action is so very, very dull, despite what American cinema has told you.
And now, a source close to the actress tells the TMZ ambulance chasers that Lindsay is already exploring her legal options with her attorneys because she feels that these stories are sabotaging her effort to revive her career. Please note that her career was doing just fine when she was a ‘wild-child’.
Alas, Lohan acknowledged that she DID attend the party at the Chateau Marmot hotel in Hollywood Sunday night, but sadly for us fun-fans, she was sitting with Alan Cummings and only drank water. How that relates to Alan Cummings is anyone’s guess.
Elsewhere, reports speculated that Lindsay bought a load of booze and made-out with Dennis Hopper’s son Henry in a petrol station, but again, this apparently isn’t true… no matter how much we wish for the contrary. Sources close to LiLo say that the actress is just friends and, while at the gas station, they bought pop, crisps, and cigarettes.
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Image: In this courtroom sketch actress Lindsay Lohan, right, is seen with her attorney Shawn Chapman Holley during a preliminary hearing at the LAX Airport Courthouse, Friday, April 22, 2011 in Los Angeles. Lohan was sentenced to 120 days in jail for a probation violation.
Posted: 2nd, February 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink