
Anorak News | Sea lion mistakes Shakira for Whitney Houston

Sea lion mistakes Shakira for Whitney Houston

by | 14th, February 2012

WHEN Shakira tweeted: “Omg what just happened to me! I was attacked by a sea lion! Lo que me ha sucedido hoy! Un león marino ha intentado atacarme Shak”. The Sun cocked an ear. Re-reporting a tweet is jot adding value to the story in a newspaper with cover price. So the Sun red followed the link to Shakira’s Facebook page, read that she got small scratch when crawling over rocks to get to clsoe to a sea lion and created:

“Shakira is attacked by crazed sea lion – Pop star Shakira was attacked by a raging sea lion which thought her mobile phone was a FISH”.

It’s the case of the sea lion that mistook a mobile phone for a fish. Or maybe it thought she was Whitney Houston. Or Garry Glitter. Sea lions are so stupid. Or, as the Sun has it, “crazed”…

Still, Shakira, eh. Not arf. Arf! Arf!


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Posted: 14th, February 2012 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink