
Anorak News | Kim Kardashian wants a little privacy for her next wedding (stop laughing)

Kim Kardashian wants a little privacy for her next wedding (stop laughing)

by | 15th, March 2012

THE last wedding Kim Kardashian had was televised in her reality show, prompting a marriage that lasted around the same length of time it takes a mayfly to live and die. Everyone cried ‘SHAM!’ at her and Kris Humphries, Kim K’s beleaguered and incredibly dimwitted husband, got all stompy and upset about it.

Kim clearly didn’t understand why everyone loathed her so much (being rich and of no-fixed-talent never helped anyone to be loved) and burrowed away and had a long thing about her next move.

And so, here she is, talking about getting married again.

“When I saw Khloé and Lamar get married — and they had their wedding on TV — I thought, ‘Oh, my gosh, that’s so exciting! That’s what I want!'” Kardashian told Allure magazine. “If you were to ask me now, that’s not what I want … I would just want it to be so special, with our family and close friends, and that’s it. Somewhere on a deserted island, very private. No cameras.”

But will Kimmy K be able to resist the $15 million she reportedly got for her televised wedding? Absolutely not. She hasn’t realised this yet.

“Will I be more private of a person? Am I more guarded? Absolutely,” Kardashian explains. “It definitely made me want to be more private with my relationship, whenever I choose to get into one again. I’m not ready, but when that time comes, I’ll be more cautious about who I let my world open up to.”

Poor Kim Kardashian. She won’t be opening up her world to anyone… unless it’s the camera crew for Keeping Up With The Kardashians or a tabloid with a big chequebook.


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Posted: 15th, March 2012 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink