Robert Pattinson quits Twilight franchise (Berlin photos)
TWEENS! Prepare to cry all the water out of your body. Why? Robert Pattinson – officially the dullest human on the face of this Earth – is not going to play Edward Cullen anymore in the Twilight films. Cut THAT into your arm with your Hello Kitty geometry set.
That’s right kiddies – if Stephenie Meyer writes more Twilight books and they’re made into movies, R Pattz won’t be involved.
Despite being roughly as charismatic as an old Vileda Supermop in a skip, Pattz isn’t daft enough to diss the franchise. Rather, he’s just thinking logistics. That’s because he’s so criminally boring.
While at the Berlin Film Festival, Robert said that he was already too old to play Edward… who doesn’t age:
“I’d be curious what she would write, but I just think I’d probably be too old by the time [they did it]. I’m already too old. But yeah, it’d be kind of interesting.”
And so, you Twi-Hards – could you cope with a new Edward? Could anyone ever play him like Pattinson does? Not that anyone else would notice. Rob is so tedious that his body doesn’t even cast a shadow. Kinda perfect for a chaste vampire role really.
Posted: 20th, February 2012 | In: Celebrities 3 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink