Britney Spears to lose her bap on X Factor panel?
JUST when Simon Cowell had got rid of one insane, glassy-eyed mentalist in the shape of Paula Abdul, he’s got another one making the drunken come-on eye at him. That’s right – Britney Spears thinks the best way to put all those troubles behind her, is to take on the job of judge on the X Factor, where you have to make people cry and perform like monkeys for you.
That’ll end well, won’t it?
Cowell needs to replace Abdul and fired Nicole Scherzinger and Britney is in the running along with Janet Jackson, Pink and Mariah Carey.
A friend of Spears said:
“She’s a huge fan of ‘The X Factor’ and thinks it’s the perfect time for her to be a judge. She wants to show her fans she is back to her best and where better to do that than on national TV every week?”
The pal added:
“She knows all about the ups and downs of pop fame. And with her schedule relatively clear she has the time to dedicate to a different project.”
More importantly, with Jennifer Lopez believed to be getting somewhere in the region of $12 million a season for American Idol and Christina Aguilera snagging a $9.5 million deal to mentor on The Voice, Britney isn’t exactly being altruistic in her need to impart some pop-wisdom on young hopefuls.
Failing that, she can just get loads of attention by shaving her head again.
Posted: 23rd, February 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink