Kent headmaster kidnapped at gunpoint – schoolchildren don’t shoot
AS part of a creative writing course, Clive Close, headmaster of Wincheap Primary School in Canterbury, Kent, kidnapped school site manager Phil Reid at gunpoint.
A class for nine and ten year olds was interrupted by Mr Close driving an Audi into the school car park. He screeched to a halt. Children went to the classroom windows. They saw man in a red wig and white jump suit (Mr Close) pull a gun (a tap) on Mr Reid. The victim was bundled into the car. The car was driven off.
Says Mr Close:
‘The kids wrote some fantastic stuff on the back of it and what they had witnessed.”
One parent said:
“Primary school children should not be scared stiff in class. If this took place at an inner city primary school the headteacher could well have been shot dead by armed police.”
Some people’s imagination can be so vivid. Mr Close didn’t black his face up, so his being shot dead by police would have been unlikely. And at an inner city school, the pupils might have shot him first…
The youngsters, aged nine and ten, were not warned about the stunt.
Posted: 25th, February 2012 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink