
Anorak News | Lucy Lawless protects children from Shell – the oil company she once worked for (video)

Lucy Lawless protects children from Shell – the oil company she once worked for (video)

by | 27th, February 2012

LUCY Lawless, formerly Xena Princess Warrior, has been arrested for spending three days on a Shell oil ship Noble Discoverer with other Greenpeace activists. Says she:

“When we started this seven of us went up the rig but 133,000 came down with us in solidarity. They’re writing letters and we know that new heros are going to spring up in our fervent mission to make sure the oil industry becomes an energy industry is one that is renewable and clean.”

Lawless is going it “on behalf of the planet and her children“.
She says on her blog:
“Clearly in a cost/benefit analysis, Shell reckons that an Arctic spill is an acceptable risk to them. But make no mistake, due to the harshness and remoteness of the Arctic environment, an oil spill up there will make the Gulf of Mexico look like a children’s party. An oil spill under the ice could rage for years before they could cap it. The plankton that prop up the whole ecosystem would die and the ripple effect would be heinous.”

She tells the AP:

“I’ve got three kids [planet killer!]. My sole biological reason for being on this planet is to ensure that they can flourish, and they can’t do that in a filthy, degraded environment. We need to stand up while we still can.”

It wasn’t always so. Here’s Lawless, reportedly, in a video for…Shell. Maybe Shell can change, like Lucy?
PS – anyone know how Lawless reached New Zealand?

Posted: 27th, February 2012 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink