
Anorak News | Remarkably, someone has had condomless sex with Snooki

Remarkably, someone has had condomless sex with Snooki

by | 29th, February 2012

IF you’ve ever seen Jersey Shore (what do you mean you haven’t? Reading books were you and sneering at everyone because you’re too cool to have a Facebook account?), you’ll know how repugnant every single stinking person is who stars in it.

There’s someone in it called ‘The Situation’ and he’s so galling that Abercrombie & Fitch went as far as banning him from wearing their clothes. And there’s Snooki. She’s a lady who likes to talk about her minge and generally totter around all three-feet tall and bright, brilliant orange like a satsuma version of Amy Winehouse in her decomposing years.

Regarding the latter, quite astonishingly, someone’s gone and had sex with her. Without a condom on. So much so that she’s got a Mini Snooki growing inside her.

Earlier this month, she denied pregnancy rumors, but now reports are saying that Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi is, in fact, expecting her first child. Honestly. Having sex with Snooki would be like popping your member in a peeled sweet potato.

And apparently, she’s three months pregnant and the baby’s father is her boyfriend, Jionni LaValle, according to NY Post.

Previously, she said: “I definitely do want kids, but I’m not pregnant. Being pregnant should be a real thing and a happy thing, and I’m not.”

While the Post’s source suggests Snooki is trying to play down the pregnancy so she can bag a load of lucrative marketing deals.


Posted: 29th, February 2012 | In: Celebrities 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink