
Anorak News | Brazilian man uses Jack Nicholson fake ID like a massive dumbass

Brazilian man uses Jack Nicholson fake ID like a massive dumbass

by | 29th, February 2012

LET us imagine for one second, that you wanted to open a bank account. Nothing unusual there. Now, imagine further, that you’ve got a chequered past and you might have to use a fake ID card. Fine. Contact your nearest criminal, provide them with an envelope of used bank notes and a photograph for the card.

Right? Good. What happens if you haven’t got a picture of yourself?

Clearly, the only sensible thing left to do is to provide a photograph of the gigantically famous Hollywood actor, Jack Nicholson. No-one will ever notice, right?


And that’s what one Brazilian guy discovered when he was arrested on Tuesday after he reportedly tried to open an account using a fake ID featuring a photo of pop-culture royalty, Jack Nicholson.

According to CNN, the police chief in the Brazilian city of Recife said that Ricardo Sergio Freire de Barros, 41 and incredibly stupid, had been in police sights for three months after the department received several reports of fraudulent activity.

Chief Erivaldo Guerra said Barros had been using fake IDs to open credit cards, bank accounts and even obtain a business license. Alas, he got himself arrested with his fake ID, looking a whole 30 years younger than the idiotically recognisable Oscar winner.

Barros is now in jail, awaiting trial on charges of falsification of a public document and use of false documents. He’s already guilty of being an imbecile.

Posted: 29th, February 2012 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink