
Anorak News | Stephen Hawking to appear in unswervingly awful Big Bang Theory

Stephen Hawking to appear in unswervingly awful Big Bang Theory

by | 12th, March 2012

SWITCH him off now! Stephen Hawking has clearly lost his mind completely! He’s clearly not well! Why? Because, according to rumours, Professor Hawking is about to make a guest appearance in CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory.

Seriously. It’s the worst show ever aired and Hawking can only redeem himself if he single-handedly kills the entire cast, everyone associated with the show and everyone who ever watched it and enjoyed it.

Apparently, Hawking will appear in a scene with Dr. Sheldon Cooper.

Hawking is the next big name associated with this geekgasm of a show, with an imminent show featuring the voice of Leonard Nimoy from Star Trek.

This isn’t Professor Hawking’s first flirtation with an American comedy as he’s already made an appearance on The Simpsons. But that was funny because they made him fly and beat Homer up.

This is going to be terrible and ill-advised, just like the time Orson Welles did a voice on Transformers: The Movie and promptly died, leaving that as his last piece of work on Earth.


Posted: 12th, March 2012 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink