
Anorak News | Sex Pistols politely decline to play London Olympics ceremony show

Sex Pistols politely decline to play London Olympics ceremony show

by | 10th, April 2012

THE Sex Pistols, keen sportsmen and athletes to a man, will not be playing the closing ceremony to the London Olympics.

The Sex Pistols have been offered a role in A Symphony of British Music and said “no thanks”. What they should have said was “fuck off”, it being a Great British phrase.

The show is being put together by Kim Gavin, notably for working with Take That and Stephen Daldry, who directed Billy Elliot.

He wants the show to be an “elegant mash-up of British music”.

Why not mash-up the acts, then, dress Gary Barlow as Sid Vicious, Sting as Vera Lynn, Chas and Dave as Lennon and McCartney, and the fans in a continuous seventeen hour Conga led by Black Lace as Sporty Spice.

The show will be recorded as the Olympics Legacy LP, with a nostalgic B-side featuring Johnny Rotten moaning about traffic congestion, VIP lanes and the youth (he actually said: “Younger people at the moment are very mouthy and aggressive…You’re not allowed to give them a clip around the ear and send them home..”) over a trad jazz back beat.


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Posted: 10th, April 2012 | In: Sports 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink