Finally! Now we know that The Simpsons live in Oregon!
ONE of the most idly pondered about mysteries in modern pop-culture is: Just which state is The Simpsons’ town of Springfield in? Well, Matt Groening has now decided that we should all know exactly where that is.
And it’s Oregon – almost an American Anywhere – a boomtown on the skids, polluted hick stop, family values land of corruption and more.
Groening told Smithsonian magazine that he was inspired by the television show ‘Father Knows Best’, which just so happened to be set in a town called Springfield, Ore. and lies 100 miles south of Groening’s hometown of Portland.
“When I grew up, I realized it was just a fictitious name,” Groening said. “I also figured out that Springfield was one of the most common names for a city in the U.S. In anticipation of the success of the show, I thought, `This will be cool; everyone will think it’s their Springfield,'” he said. “And they do.”
And the real town of Springfield has a Main Street struggling with the recession with an average income of under $40,000, with nearly 20% of people living under the poverty line. A great base to build an everyman comedy show, proven by the fact The Simpsons has been airing for over two decades.
And there are many similarities between Groening’s Springfield and the real town. Notably, there’s a statue of an unnamed man on horseback, just like Jebediah Springfield… not to mention the Springfield’s nearby Trojan Nuclear Power Plant.
Of course, Groening has fibbed about the whereabouts of Springfield in the past and could well be yanking our chain again, but at least, oddly, this time, the real town of Springfield might get a break and have the chance to try and climb above its local neighbours (sadly, not Shelbyville) and have a day in the sun.
Provided Monty Burns doesn’t decide to block it out.
Posted: 11th, April 2012 | In: TV & Radio 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink