
Anorak News | Alexa Chung and Amy Childs show off their very different bodies online

Alexa Chung and Amy Childs show off their very different bodies online

by | 17th, April 2012

CELEBRITIES are always posting pictures of themselves on twitter and such. They love it. They love to show off their glamorous lives and harvest all that attention we needily throw at them. Rihanna has long been a fan of posting images of herself in various states of undress on twitter, while Serena Williams is adorably odd when uploading images to Instagram.

With that, two celebrities have provoked a very different response from mere mortals while flaunting their bodies online.

The deeply, intensely, profoundly annoying Alexa Chung may have left our screens but she’s still at large, being all… Alexa Chungy. She posed for a picture with her mum while on holiday and shared it to following Instagrammers. She inevitably didn’t allow for the enormous amounts of grief she would be getting for it (that’s because, by and large, it is hard to imagine she could ever think of anything that isn’t Alexa Chung).

Basically, while drowning in a men’s denim shirt, passed off as a dress, Alexa found herself being berated for how slim she is. Looking at the photo, she does look incredibly thin (so thin that her legs look like frayed thread from the clothes she’s wearing), which of course, saw people pointing it out. Loudly.

The star’s followers commented directly on the snap, calling Chung “unhealthy” and “disgustingly skinny”. In response, she she said: “OK everyone, thanks for the teen angst discussions. People are different sizes. I’m not trying to be thinspo for anyone.” However, the comments didn’t stop, with one follower sighing: “I’m going to be very honest. I look at this picture and think “This is a woman not eating.” Thus, I worry for women everywhere.”

Chung then removed the snap, announcing: “I am now making this acct private. Byyyyyeeee.”

Elsewhere, ex-The Only Way Is Essex mannequin, Amy Childs, decided to rear up like a ghoul from a grid, while wearing a bright blue wig and showing off her boobies. For seemingly no reason, she decided to inanely grin at everyone while wearing a dressing gown that clearly couldn’t fasten up properly. As such, she looked like she might catch her death and we could all see a load of her busters.

In short, Alexa Chung needs a meal or ten and Amy Childs needs a vest to keep her warm. Let us start a twitter campaign with twibbons and everything, so we can all make a difference to the world and help out this unfortunates.

Posted: 17th, April 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink