Kim Kardashian to be president of the United States Of America?
YOU may think of Kim Kardashian as little more than a sex-tape reject who can’t keep hold of a marriage for as long, but you’ve had her wrong all this time.
You see, Kimmy K is going to be the president of the USA. You may scoff, but who honestly thought that, way back when, bozo quiffboy, Ronald Reagan, was going to go from acting with chimps to hovering over the button that would’ve fired the nukes at Russia? Who actually thought that the people of California would be dumb enough to vote Big Arnie in as governor?
So where is Kim starting? Well, she’s looking at running for mayor of Glendale, California “in five years”. And she’s dead serious too. She’s looked it all up on Wikipedia. She told her sister on some awful TV show that: “I have to buy a house there [because] you have to have residency. [Noelle Keshishian] and I are looking into all the requirements and she’s going to help me with my campaign because it’s like Armenian town. I need to wait, like, five years.”
Kim’s rep has chipped in, saying:
“Kim has always looked for opportunities to grow and also do what she can to help and support the Armenian community. She’s learning more about ways in which she can help to do her part to make a difference in the community.”
Of course, Kim K’s fans are more interested in whether or not she’s letting hamster cheeked rap douche Kanye West throw his wang into her lady garden. Charity is far less fun than idle speculation… you only need to look at the various TV telethons to show you how despairingly unfun charity is.
So once she’s mayor of Whereversville in Cali, surely she’ll get a taste for power, which can only end up in a presidential bid. Will Kardashian be America’s first female prez?
If a blithering idiot like Sarah Palin can get as close to the White House as she did, then there is absolutely no reason why Kimmy can’t go all the way. Start updating Mount Rushmore now.
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Posted: 20th, April 2012 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink