
Anorak News | Look at Taylor Swift’s boobs and decide if they’ve magically grown

Look at Taylor Swift’s boobs and decide if they’ve magically grown

by | 27th, April 2012

HAVE you seen Taylor Swift lately? Did you look at her chest? Of course you didn’t. She’s so interminably beige that you probably forgot you were looking at a human at all. Still, rumours abound about her boobs. If she’s creatively and noticeably unnoticeable, she may have done something which is making her stand-out a little more than usual.


Mutterings from those concerning themselves with the anatomy of Taylor Swift, including ‘experts’, have decided that she’s gone from “a small A to a striking C”. Note the language there. Not a ‘lovely A to an equally lovely C’. One is undernourished, the other, resplendent. Either way, HollywoodLife are doing somersaults over Swift’s bits, stirring the pot by comparing two photographs of the singer and getting three pros to give their opinion.

The first, Dr Anthony Youn, said that “the country star appears to be following in the footsteps of another female country singer, Dolly Parton, and enhanced her breasts,” while Dr Richard Felming added: “I think it’s pretty obvious that’s she’s had breast enhancement. It looks very nice and proportional.” The last, Dr Adam Schaffner, said: “There is definitely a significant difference in the appearance of the breasts between the two photos.” Dr Schaffner has a degree in stating the insultingly obvious it seems.

Of course, she may have just bought a new bra, but that matters not because this is all publicity for Taylor who fancies herself as some kind of 2012 Joni Mitchell with her self-confessional saccharine mews. If you’re the focus of your art, then it is best to keep everyone guessing and, unsurprisingly, a rep close to Taylor has said there is absolutely no truth to the report.

Posted: 27th, April 2012 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink