
Anorak News | Bobby Brown didn’t kill Whitney Houston, okay?

Bobby Brown didn’t kill Whitney Houston, okay?

by | 1st, May 2012

WHEN Whitney Houston died, everyone looked straight at Bobby Brown and start muttering about how this was all his stupid fault, like he was the guy forcibly sticking huge amounts of drugs up her arse or something. Well, Bobby can’t go for that and would like to have his say.

“I’m not the one that got Whitney on drugs, at all,” Brown said in an interview to be aired this week on the Today show on U.S. television network NBC. “I’m not the reason she’s gone.”

Houston was of course  found dead in a Beverly Hills hotel bathtub in February from accidental drowning brought on by cocaine use and heart disease. Authorities noted that white powder and drug paraphernalia were found in the bathroom where she died. You’ll note Bobby Brown wasn’t found under the toilet seat.

In his first TV interview since the singer died, Brown told Today that he had been off drugs for seven years and was hurt to hear that Houston had been using cocaine.

“I was hurt … because, you know, me being off of narcotics for the last seven years – I felt that she was, you know, I didn’t know she was struggling with it still. But at the same time, you know – listen, it’s a hard fight.” He added; “I smoked weed, I drank the beer, but no, I wasn’t the one that got Whitney on drugs at all.

So the famous, could’ve got drugs really easily because she was famous and worked in the music industry Whitney was taking drugs already? “Way, way before. Yeah … It’s just, it’s just unexplainable – how one could, you know, (say that I) got her addicted to drugs. I’m not the reason she’s gone,” said Brown.

So, who do you believe?


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Rising star Whitney Houston is seen with music producer Clive Davis, in 1983, shortly after signing a contract with Arista Records. (AP Photo)

Posted: 1st, May 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink