
Anorak News | Amanda Seyfried reveals all as Lovelace (photos)

Amanda Seyfried reveals all as Lovelace (photos)

by | 3rd, May 2012

THE role of Linda Lovelace, the starring role in new biopic Lovelace, was initially supposed to go to Lindsay Lohan, but alas, she has all those ‘legal woes’ shall we say? As such, she was pulled from the project, opening the door for Amanda Seyfried.

And now, we’ve all got the chance to look at the actress in a state of undress as she plays the centre of everyone’s attention from one of the most notorious films ever made – Deep Throat. Appearing in little more than a bright red bra, we have to assume that she’ll be showing a lot more in Lovelace. Emotionally we mean. Of course we mean that. It isn’t our fault you’ve got a dirty mind.

Who are we kidding?

The film, which is due out at the end of the year, will see Seyfried taking on one of the more interesting roles in recent years. Have you seen Inside Deep Throat? There’s a lot to get stuck into, with tales of abuse, gangsters and very, very hairy montes pubis.

The film also stars Sarah Jessica Parker (she’s playing feminist Gloria Steinem – hopefully not in a Thinking Out Loud While Mucking About On A Laptop While Wearing Expensive Shoes And Looking For ‘Big’ way) as well as Peter Sarsgaard and James Franco, who’s set to play Hugh Hefner.

Away from the cameras, Seyfried has been spotted getting cozy with Josh Hartnett, which is great if you have the vaguest idea who Josh Hartnett is. Either way, the poster for Lovelace looks brilliant and we want one. Send us one. NOW.


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Posted: 3rd, May 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink