Rihanna unfollows Chris Brown… not because he slapped her about, but because of a song
CHRIS BROWN may be the most jarring goon in the world, but Rihanna still stuck by him. Even though he knocked ten shades of shit out of her, she thought she’d hang out with him, lift a restraining order and record a couple of duets with him. Everyone spat feathers and no answers were forthcoming.
It looked for all the world like they were going to get back together and many started to grind their teeth with vexation. However, there’s a development! It seems RiRi has finally had enough of Breezy and his adoring simpletons! So what has he done this time? Well, she’s unfollowed him on twitter (the worst thing anyone could ever do to another human, clearly) after she heard his latest song.
Brown has released a new diss track and, guess what? It appears to be aimed at her.
One line spits “get all up on twitter, tryna get followers, suckin’ the same dick, I’m tired of these niggas, tired of arguin’ over the same bitch,” before he adds “don’t fuck with my old bitches… like a bad fur… every industry nigga done had her.” He signs off with a flourish, rapping; “trick or treat like a pumpkin… just to smash her.”
The song in question is a remix of Kanye’s TheraFlu which sees Breezy lazily freestyling with all the flow of treacle slowly making its way along sandpaper.
Here’s the video for Chris Brown’s Rihanna diss –
Posted: 11th, May 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink