
Anorak News | Uh-oh! More developments with John Travolta and the reverse massagers!

Uh-oh! More developments with John Travolta and the reverse massagers!

by | 16th, May 2012

MASSAGE is always a word that has raised the eyebrows of the eternally mucky minded, but since John Travolta got accused of all-manner of stuff, the world has been introduced to the notion of a ‘reverse massage’, which sounds like the filthiest thing ever.

Anyway, one of the massage therapists who accused John Travolta of sexually assaulting him at the Beverly Hills Hotel has hired super high-profile attorney Gloria Allred to represent him. This is interesting because this comes just one day after he withdrew from a lawsuit filed by another lawyer. Thought Travolta was off-the-hook? Seems not.

“We are in the process of conferring with him regarding the next steps, which he may wish to take,” Allred said. Of course, the original suit is still pending, but now, it involves just one male therapist who says he got groped up.

Attorney Okorie Okorocha, who filed the lawsuit last week talking about burgers and the length of Travolta’s wang, dropped John Doe #1 from the complaint Tuesday because of confusion over the date of the alleged incident. Travolta’s rep, Mr Singer, said: “We fully expect that my client will similarly be vindicated with respect to Doe #2, as well as with respect to any other person who makes meritless claims against John Travolta.”

That dismissal was “without prejudice, which means that he is still legally entitled to file a lawsuit against John Travolta if he chooses,” Allred retorted. Okorocha, now solely dealing with John Doe #2. He says: “I can guarantee that John Doe #2 has a truckload of witnesses to back up what he’s saying.” This particular case is backed up by a series of e-mails in which the plaintiff complains to his supervisor about Travolta’s advances, Okorocha said.

“I think I can show a custom, habit and practice,” Okorocha said. “If I bring in 100 people that don’t have an axe to grind, don’t want any money, they’re in 50 different states, they don’t know each other, they’re all massage therapists, they all have dates, they’re at different spa resorts and they say this exact same thing happened, it’s pretty hard to refute.”

Things are heating up.

Posted: 16th, May 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink