
Anorak News | Will Smith slaps reporter Vitalii Sediuk in the face after kiss attempt

Will Smith slaps reporter Vitalii Sediuk in the face after kiss attempt

by | 21st, May 2012

HEY! You know Will Smith right? That loveable wag who gave us the soundtrack to summer summer summertime and starred in a buncha films ranging from ‘okay’ to ‘dreadful’. Well, he’s promoting Men In Black 3 (or MIB3 if you like abbreviations) and, while out in Moscow, he slapped the lips off a reporter who tried to give him a Frenchie.


Smith – aka The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air – slapped Vitalii Sediuk on the red carpet while cameras whirred and people gasped in pantomime horror. Sediuk has, of course, made the headlines before after he presented a bouquet of purple hydrangeas to Madonna who just so happens to hate that particular variety of plant.

Now, after the Will kiss, Smith showed him the back of his hand and said: “C’mon man, what the hell is your problem buddy?” before adding “He’s lucky I didn’t sucker punch him… oh, I said that on camera. It’s all good.”

We rather like pointless violence of any degree here at the Anorak, so watch the video below and imagine a time where celebrities are encouraged to beat up journalists and visa versa.

Posted: 21st, May 2012 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink