
Anorak News | Sharon Stone sued by former nanny for being a bit ‘racist’ and generally ‘abusive’

Sharon Stone sued by former nanny for being a bit ‘racist’ and generally ‘abusive’

by | 24th, May 2012

BASIC INSTINCT showed us Sharon Stone’s genitals and Total Recall showed us her boobies (while Sliver showed us so much that we could all see what she’d had for her dinner). However, it’s Stone’s former housekeeper that wants us to know even more about her. Provided we add ‘allegedly’ to the whole proceedings.

See, Sharon is being sued by her former lackey who is making all kinds of fantastic claims about the woman no-one knew could act until she appeared in Casino.

In a court document, Erlinda T. Elemen’s harassment lawsuit claims Stone insulted her Filipino accent, saying that Stone wouldn’t let her speak in front of her children so they would “not talk like you”. Elemen also claims that Stone wouldn’t allow her to read the Bible in the actress’ home. Although, that seems fair given that reading fiction at work is slacking off work.

Elemen also says that Stone fired her after discovering she had been paid for overtime.

Elemen’s attorney, Solomon Gresen, told the LA Times that after working for Sharon Stone for five years, the nanny had “wonderful memories of the children,” but was unable to cope with what he described as “increasingly hostile and abusive behavior.”

Stone’s publicist, Paul Bloch, says Elemen is cheesed off because she sought disability and worker’s compensation payments after she was fired, but “now, she is obviously looking for another opportunity to cash in. This is a frivolous lawsuit for absurd claims that are made-up and fabricated. Sharon Stone will be completely vindicated in court.”

Isn’t it great that Hollywood stars of a certain age are all going completely batshit mental, allegedly?


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Sharon Stone signs autographs as she arrives at a charity gala concert celebrating the 80th birthday of Mikhail Gorbachev at the Royal Albert Hall in west London.

Posted: 24th, May 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink