Professor Green wants to throw everyone from TOWIE in prison
HE may not have gone through any kind of medical school or somesuch, but Professor Green is – remarkably – saying very wise things. This is despite the fact that, when he raps, he sounds like Cuddles the monkey if Orville got him in a headlock.
In an interview, he decided to stick the boot in on those loathsome chancers from The Only Way Is Essex. Obviously, this is the absolutely correct thing to do with those preening, varnished nincompoops with all the wherewithal of a bucket of fish-heads.
Green was asked by one fan, in a webchat, what would he do if he was made Prime Minister, to which replied: “I’d put all of TOWIE in prison. Or maybe I’d kill them all and the country’s IQ would rise.”
How fantastic is that? It is such a wonderful, righteous thing to say that you could almost consider buying one of his gaspingly awful records. ALMOST.
These comments are much better than the Professor’s previous comments on the show. He previously had a lame dig at Amy Childs on Twitter, saying: “Amy Childs was at the BAFTAs presenting an award. Comedy’s all about timing and there were some awkward sketches…”
So, seeing as we listen to professors from Oxbridge universities, can we just pretend Green is the real deal, heed his words and sentence the cast of TOWIE, past and present, to life imprisonment and give them only one chance of escape? That method of escape would be via an electric chair of course…
Posted: 29th, May 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink