
Anorak News | Justin Bieber suffers concussion because he’s stupid

Justin Bieber suffers concussion because he’s stupid

by | 1st, June 2012

NOT content with getting into a spot of bother with a paparazzo, allegedly duffing him up with his tiny fists, Justin Bieber has ended up concussed in Paris. Did the French sock him in the face because of his woeful music? Sadly not. JB ended up knocked-out for 15 seconds after he indulged himself in some grand stupidity.

Bieber was sparko after he ran into a glass wall backstage while in the French capital.

Immediately after the show, Bieber addressed the mishap, Tweeting: “im fine. just smacked my head and needed some water. all good.”

Bieber’s manager, Scooter Braun, Tweeted: “jb is gonna be fine. things happen. he is a trooper. canadian hockey player. tough kid. no issue.”

Then, of course, Bieber’s darker side came out and he began to tweet dangerous and menacing things, much to the dismay of his now hysterical, terrified fans. He said:

“i will see u again Glass. I will have my revenge. BIEBER vs GLASS.”

Someone lock him away and swallow the key, ferchristssakes!

Posted: 1st, June 2012 | In: Celebrities 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink