
Anorak News | Dog-strangler mocks police with offensive tattoo

Dog-strangler mocks police with offensive tattoo

by | 7th, June 2012

TO Trinity, Texas, where officer Woody Wallace has arrested Jonathan Thompson for fighting. This is not the first time Wallace has met Thompson. Back in March, the copper pinched Thompson for burglary.

So. Thompson is off to jail for making “terroristic” threats. Thompson had been choking his stepfather’s while vowing, “You’re next.” Wallace adds: “And he said he was going to become a serial killer and kill everyone who made him mad.” 

And that’s when Wallace spotted Thompson’s tattoo. Wallace recalls the conversation with the villain:

“They have to take pictures of all their tattoos and he said, ‘Make sure you get this one right here.’ Then they all said, ‘Woody, you got to get in here.’ I saw it and said, ‘Is that real?’ and he said ‘Yup!'”

The tattoo states: “WOODY WALLACE CAN SUCK MY DICK.”

He can. But would he want to..?

Here are some more extreme tattoos. They are NSFW:


Image 3 of 17

Posted: 7th, June 2012 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink