
Anorak News | Lauryn Hill to go to jail?

Lauryn Hill to go to jail?

by | 8th, June 2012

DESPITE being the only talented one in The Fugees (no-one remembers Pras and Wyclef’s obvious lack of talent is underlined in stealing his career off him), Lauryn Hill hasn’t been having a good time of it since making one of the best debut LPs in history.

Becoming something of a recluse, being accused of racism and generally looking a little erratic, Lauryn could now be going to jail.

It has been reported that Hill has been charged with failing to pay tax on more than $1.8m. She allegedly failed to file tax returns to the US internal revenue service between 2005 and 2007 which means she’s in a whole world of pain. Three counts of tax-evasion carries a maximum penalty of one year in jail plus a $100,000 fine.

We just lost one, bam bam bee bom.

This is particularly badly timed as it seemed Hill was on the comeback trail, performing shows and a lot of chatter about her second studio LP – The Return – due for release later this year.

She’s said in the past: “There are a lot of different creative energies out there right now. I respect the different sounds that I’m hearing. It’s been such a long time since I’ve gotten my voice and my ideas out … I’m happy that people are still making music. That we still have a platform with which to make music. It’s gonna be interesting to see what the future holds.”

Let us hope it doesn’t involve a prison sentence.

Posted: 8th, June 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink