
Anorak News | GaGa shows off black eye and has a pop at Madonna in the process

GaGa shows off black eye and has a pop at Madonna in the process

by | 12th, June 2012

LADY GAGA has tweeted the picture of the black eye she got after being smacked about the head with a metal pole during a gig.

She tweeted: “Emerging from hours of sleep. Still remiss if I should go outside, with this clonker I may be of questionable styling. Thank you so much for all the thoughtful messages. I feel a bit woozy but a little better everyday. Very happy to be in beautiful Australia.”

Following the accident, GaGa told the audience: “I want to apologise, I did hit my head and I think I may have a concussion but don’t you worry I will finish this show.”

Despite suffering from concussion, GaGa managed to finish the 2 hour show. Just imagine if she was a professional footballer. She would’ve been making a much bigger deal of this and generally spending all of her time rolling around the floor, clutching her head and brandishing a pretend red card.

This all comes on the back of Lady G having a pop at Madonna. Madge has done a mash-up of ‘Born This Way’ and ‘Express Yourself’, in an obvious swipe at GaGa. The Bad Romance singer said: “It sometimes makes people feel better about themselves to put other people down or make fun of them or maybe make mockery of their work. And that doesn’t make me feel good at all. That just makes me feel like I’m not being a good human being.”

“I don’t even want to fight back because it’s more important to me to keep writing music. Because that’s really all I care about, is the music… things are really different than they were 25 years ago, and that’s what makes Born This Way so relevant for me. We’re socially in a different place and it’s OK, we don’t have to all slice and hate each other any more.”

GaGa, battered and bruised and Madonna, looking like the school bully. Who will win this pop battle?

Posted: 12th, June 2012 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink